
Monthly Archives: August 2021

  1. What to Consider While Choosing a Square Glass Cake Display?

    What to Consider While Choosing a Square Glass Cake Display?

    In the present cut-throat scenario of the food business, it is essential to showcase your cuisine preparations attractively. This feature will provide your customers with the advantage of seeing your practices and then ordering them. You can show and name them by placing a card at the corner of the item. If you follow this procedure, your business will boom exponentially, and you will be greatly appreciated. Therefore, a 

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  2. 8 Must-Have Commercial Kitchen Equipment for Every Industrial Kitchen

    8 Must-Have Commercial Kitchen Equipment for Every Industrial Kitchen

    Your kitchen is the centrepiece of your restaurant. It is that unique place where your chefs strive to delight your customers and keep them returning by preparing a host of delicious meals. Commercial kitchen equipment is one of the integral parts of launching your food joint or similar food outlets. There are multiple items required in a workplace, including large appliances such as refrigeration items and ove

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  3. Tips for Exhaust Hood Canopy & Ventilation Cleaning in Restaurants After Covid Outbreak

    Tips for Exhaust Hood Canopy & Ventilation Cleaning in Restaurants After Covid Outbreak

    While more and more food outlets are reopening their doors to customers, it is also the time where you might have to prioritise hygiene and do some deep of the exhaust hood canopy and ventilation. Since the prohibitions and rules related to on-location dining has been gradually removed, therefore, ensure that your restau

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  4. What are the Benefits of Undershelves & Leg Bracing?

    Most commercial kitchens look like a battlefield with every ingredient, from food materials and multiple packaged & processed goods to different pieces of equipment used to prepare food, scattered all around the workplace. This scattered look makes it difficult to find items at the right time. In addition, the mess may also result in the pantry looking more cluttered than ever before. This littered workplace is the reason the 

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