
Monthly Archives: September 2022

  1. What are the methods to clean cast iron grates of a cooktop?

    What are the methods to clean cast iron grates of a cooktop?

    An item made of stainless steel looks beautiful when its surface is shining due to proper cleaning. One such appliance is the commercial gas cooktop - one of the most operated products in an industrial kitchen. If you want to use it for a more extended period, you must learn how to maintain it fl

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  2. Eight steps to designing a perfect commercial kitchen

    Eight steps to designing a perfect commercial kitchen

    A kitchen is a place where most employees spend a large part of their life. From greeting customers with a breakfast spread in the morning to preparing elaborate meals in state-of-the-art commercial kitchen equipment and washing dishes at the end of the day, the pantry is the activity magnet of y

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  3. Why must every restaurant have pizza on its menu?

    Why must every restaurant have pizza on its menu?

    If there is one food item that provides us bliss and happiness every time we eat it, it is the inimitable pizza. Whenever we see the preparation of a delicious margarita or chicken variant on a pizza prep table, we stop in our tracks and become ready to surrender

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  4. Four advantages of a commercial gas deep fryer

    Four advantages of a commercial gas deep fryer

    Sometimes, one needs to ask a lot of questions regarding an appliance's benefit when deciding about purchasing the product. If you are also thinking about buying a commercial gas deep fryer, you must properly research and ask yourself crucial questions about its

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